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Get To Know Us

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Sarago Tours was established in 2019. Our purpose is to provide a much-needed service and fill the gap between the travel trade worldwide and the various Zambian safari operators.

We are the only independent ground handling company that specialises exclusively in Zambia. Our independence means that we are happy to book any camp in the country, our experience allows us always to recommend the itinerary that we believe will best suit your client’s criteria.

We understand what is expected in today’s commercial and inter-connected world and we aim to respond to all enquiries in as complete a manner as possible within just a few hours.

We advise on which destinations and camps to include in an itinerary and provide line-by-line, itemized costings for each itinerary we present. Connections are carefully worked out and we will book scheduled or charter planes to ensure that guests move from one part of Zambia to the next with ease.

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Meet Our Team

Behind every great vision is a great team behind the scenes.

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