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Kafue National Park

This is Zambia’s biggest and oldest National Park. The central part of the Park is easily accessible by road from Lusaka, and there are shuttle flights serving airstrips at Lufupa, close to the confluence of the Lufupa and the Kafue Rivers and on the Busanga Plains in the north of the Park. The camps in central part of the Park are open year round whilst the flood-waters that cover the Busanga Plains in the summer months mean that the camps in that area are only open from June through until the end of October. The Kafue National Park is home to a larger variety of species than any other Park in Zambia, Red Lechwe, Sable and Roan which are uncommon in other Parks are often seen here as are Wild-dog and Cheetah.

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Kaleni Hills

The Kalene hill is a low ridge of Karoo sandstone. It lies in Lunda territory. It is found in the Ikelenge District on the T5 Road of Zambia. Local tradition says that a chief created it when he found his way was blocked by a huge swamp. The chief called on his ancestral spirits and dropped magic powder along the route he wanted to take. Dry land broke up from the marsh and formed the long hill of today. The hill is close to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to the north and Angola to the west. At 1,500 m (5,000 ft) the hilltop is often cool. From the summit one can see far into Angola and the DRC. The Zambezi has its source near Kalene Hill at an elevation of about 1,460 m (4,790 ft). To the west of the hill the land falls away steeply to the headwaters of the Zambezi River, where there is the Zengamina hydroelectric power generation plant.

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South Luangwa National Park

The National Park, which is Zambia’s premier wildlife destination, lies in large part between the Luangwa River to the east and the Mchinga escarpment in the west. It is 9,050 sq.km (3,500 sq miles) in size and home to over 60 species of mammal and almost 450 species of bird. The Luangwa River takes a slow meandering course down the valley, with the seasonal rise and fall in water levels many ox-bow lagoons are formed. It is the fertile soils associated with these lagoon systems which allow the large variety of species and high number of animals that are found in the areas close to the main river.

The South Luangwa is regarded as the home of walking safaris, certainly they were common place in this Park long before anywhere else and with the high quality of guiding found at most of the safari operations there are few places better suited to this most exciting way of experiencing the African bush. Night drives are another popular activity offered by all camps giving guests the chance to see nocturnal species that will not be seen by day and of course the early evening hours are best for watching predators hunting. The Valley provides an excellent habitat for leopards leading to higher than usual concentrations, although they are very often seem on night-drives it is not at all uncommon to see them in daylight hours as well.

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Lower Zambezi National Park

The Lower Zambezi National Park lies on the northern bank of the Zambezi River, the Park stretches back through the hills to the north but most of the game is found on the fairly narrow strip of land between the river and the hills. There are a few camps up-stream of the National Park but only 6 safari camps inside the Park itself so visitors never feel overcrowded. Whilst the Park does not offer a large variety of habitats one of the features that make it so popular is the variety of activities on offer, with a river that is navigable year-round come waterborne activities such as boating and canoeing to contrast with the usual driving and walking safaris that are also available. This stretch of the mighty Zambezi is also one of the best areas in which to fish for the notorious Tiger Fish, Africa’s most exciting fresh-water sport fish.

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One of the original natural wonders of the world, the Victoria Falls is a World Heritage Site and an extremely popular tourism attraction. Known locally as Mosi Oa Tunya or ‘The Smoke that Thunders’ the Falls drop 111mts into the gorge below. Livingstone has earned itself a reputation as the adrenalin capital of Southern Africa there are numerous exciting activities from bungee jumping to helicopter or microlight flights over the Falls, gorge swings and arguably the best commercial white-water rafting in the world. Livingstone Island sits in the middle of the river at the top of the Falls themselves offering unparalleled views to the few guests that are able to venture there.

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